Friday, June 13, 2008


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chris stamey and the dB's "(i thought) you wanted to know" - i came across this song by accident while downloading something else. don't know anything about chris stamey aside from being aware that there was once a band named the dB's.
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camper van beethoven "tom's flower's 1500 valves" - one of my favorite camper songs.
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i have favorite songs, and favorite albums, and favorite bands, but the music that means more to me than anything else is the music of maurice ravel. while driving across country on a move from california to delaware we stopped at a store and my dad picked up some classical music tapes for the trip. years later, back in california, i claimed the ravel tape as mine, and along with "appetite for destruction" (my official lawn mowing album) and a jazz mix my band instructor put together, it was the soundtrack of junior high and my freshman year of high school. really it's "daphnis et chloe suite no. 2" that i'd say is the best piece of music ever written, but it's broken up into 3 tracks and it would be a shame for anyone to hear it with two long pauses while the player loads the next track. so, here's "alborado del gracioso" and two versions of "pavane for a dead princess".

"alborado del gracioso"
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"pavane for a dead princess" (symphonic)
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"pavane for a dead princess" (solo piano) - the amazing thing about this performance is that it's actually ravel himself playing the piece, even though he'd never been in a recording studio. He did "record" some of his pieces onto a player piano reel. supposedly player piano technology of the time did allow for a piece to be reproduced exactly as it was originally performed. decades later they put a player piano in a studio and recorded ravel's performance, minus ravel.
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