Saturday, August 30, 2008


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i've devoted my music compiling skills to something else recently. so, anyways, when i make a mix for someone, i listen to it a lot. listening to it myself is one of the big reasons i like making them. as such, i've been really into this song, the lead off track on the most recent unclaimed mix i put together:

sebastian tellier "divine" (danger mix)
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bigstar "stroke it noel" - another song i've been listening to a lot due to it'ss inclusion on the same above mentioned mix. cd2 track 2.
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tweak bird "eternal squardance" - along with 400 blows, my favorite band in LA. love these guys live.
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genesis "riding the scree" - i've been checking out early genesis as a possible band to get obsessed with and start collecting their catalogue. maybe.
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white zombie "soul crusher" - back in high school i heard "thunderkiss '65" played on the radio and it blew me away. they'd only play it late at night for some reason, and i remember staying up way past my bedtime (yeah i still had one) waiting for them to play it. recently i had to hear it again so i "found" the album. not the best thing ever, but "thunderkiss" and then this song, still hold up. wow that guy sucked after this.
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and just to reming you how great "thundrkiss" was, in case you forgot:


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