BARR "untitled" (from the album "summary") BARR accomplishes a pretty amazing feat in managing to hold my ear through an entire song of just him talking, no singing. through an entire album even. and not only that, he's not even annoying, like every single spoken word poet ever. EVER. somehow he keeps the details vague, while remaining pointed, and the language and performance conversational.
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lambchop "life #2" (from the album "what another man spills") seems like a nice song to follow the above. a song about death, expressed as "this is your right to an ending".
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tommy peltier "pocket-socket" (from the album "a chariot of astral light"). i bought this album because of judee sill's involvement. that's her on back-up vocals and keyboard.
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butterglory "two kings, one queen" (from the "downed" collection of 7" singles) i think this was originally on the "alexander bends" 7", which was the first piece of vinyl i bought as a young indie rocker. mail order even. they were a local tulare/visalia band, but they were on the world famous merge records. at the time i had so few musical reference points that i thought they sounded just like dinosaur jr. not even! here butterglory give us all a lesson on how create maximum impact from the simplest musical elements.
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hum "if you are to bloom" (from the album "downward if heavenward") few people recognize the brilliance of hum's "downward is heavenward" though i've read it has developed a growing cult following over the years. it was easy to dismiss them if you first heard their hit "stars" a million times coming from every dorm room along dorm row on your way to class. i wasn't so into them at the time. but their next album was a guitar monster. glad a friend sent it to me and insisted i give it a chance. a year later i finally did, cause i'm a jerk.
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