Monday, July 21, 2008


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the smoking popes album "destination failure" was the first album i worked, from the beginning, to college radio when i started in the college promo department at capitol. i remember thinking, but these guys suck, when i found out. surprisingly, a few of my stations informed me otherwise, and after giving the album a chance i really got into it. it's another one of those lost classics that i never understood how it didn't find an audience. so, here's my favorite track:

the smoking popes "megan"
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little wings "queen of valencia" - always thought this was beautiful love song till i paid attention to the lyrics and realized that it's about orange juice (did i post this already?)
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this came up on shuffle the other day for the second time:

connie francis "eighteen"
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vice gave the newest lair of the minotaur album a bad review, citing the lord of the rings-esque lyrics as the reason. only after seeing them live though do you understand they're halfway tongue in cheek. so far it's my second favorite album of the year.

lair of the minotaur "hades unleashed"
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melanie safka "miranda" - the rhino imprint that released the reissue of the melanie's "photograph" only did a run of like 3000 copies. as such it's way too expensive to buy new, and impossible to find new. thank god for soulseek.
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