Monday, January 14, 2008

Built to Spill rarities pt. 1

before i lose all cred by posting a bunch of bee gees songs i figured i'd put up some rare to rare-ish built to spill songs. we go:

not actually built to spill as it's credited to doug martsch, but we all know that still counts as bts. this is from a split 7" with michael john (i'm guessing he's the guy who runs the label/studio, aka michael john serpe) released on home recorded cassette culture. the song is "5 on 3", and if you think it's some sort of sports reference, it's not. it's waaay better.

"5 on 3"

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next up, two "keep it like a secret" outtakes. the first song,"now and then", which didn't make the album for some crazy reason (it's one of my favorite bts songs) ended up as a b-side to the international single for "center of the universe", as well as a bonus on the vinyl version of "live". the second song "forget remember when" was also a bonus on the "live" album (it first appeared as an untitled track on the "...secret" advance cd). why two studio songs ended up as bonus tracks on a live album i do not know, especially considering far superior live tracks they had access to from the '98 cmj show (some songs of which are posted below):

"now and then"

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"forget remember when"

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ok, a few from that 11/6/98 cmj show (i was lucky enough to be there). I've seen bts quite a few times, and in my opinion nothing beats them as a 3-piece. doug's playing is so much more muscular when he's covering all the guitar parts himself rather than when he's sharing. even the recording here is better than the somewhat anemic recordings from "live". the board/audience tracks are perfectly balanced, as you'll hear:

"one thing" (live version unreleased)

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"linus and lucy" - released on "sabonis tracks" promo only ep that went along with "live". i remember being at the show and seeing all the looks on peoples faces as they tried to register what this very familiar sounding track was

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"nowehere nothin' fuck-up" - released as a b-side to the promo 7" for "center of the universe" (i think. i went through my vinyl to make sure and it wasn't there. WHO HAS MY "CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE 7"!?) and if you didn't know, the songs lyrics are a take on the velvet underground's "oh! sweet nothin" and the title is the fictional hit sung my the main character in phillip k. dick's book "flow my tears the policeman said". i had a big ol grin on my face when i came across that while reading.

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i have the whole warner bros. recording of the show. i'll post more later.

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