Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jesus Party

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i once worked with a girl who had a friend who was going to throw a jesus themed party. she came to me for music suggestions. It was a fun challenge (not so much of a challenge with itunes). since i didn't go to the party i thought i'd throw my own mini jesus party right here. i know there are lots jesus songs out there, these are just some of my favorites:

johnny cash "it was jesus" (from "the gospel collection")
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knights of the new crusade "sympathy for jesus" (from the album "my god is alive, sorry about yours") the crazy thing about these guys isn't that they're a christian band, it's that they're on alternative tentacles. you know, jello biafra's label.
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silver jews "rebel jew" (from the album "starlight walker")one of my all-time favortie sing alongs. you just have to have friends (or a brother) who knows the words.
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nick cave and the bad seeds "jesus met the woman at the well" (from the album "kicking against the pricks")
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swervedriver "jesus" (from the "reel to real" ep) cover of the surprisingly genuine velvet underground classic.
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doug martsch "woke up this morning (with my mind on jesus)" (from the album "now you know") i was surprised that doug wrote this one till i found out it's a cover of an old blues song.
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judee sill "jesus was a cross maker" (from her self titled album) sounds like it could be blasphemous by the title, but really it's about an abusive ex that judee forgives after pondering the belief that jesus, prior to his ministries, was cross maker, as some historians (?) have suggested.
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so there you go, time to party.

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