Friday, March 14, 2008

Nancy Sinatra

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when i used to work at capitol records there was a big debate that we used to have over who was the superior of the two: Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin. really, we actually argued over this for the whole two years i was there. a total waste of time considering SINATRA is clearly the winner. so much so the winner that even his daughter could take martin in a vocal duel. why the only two worthwhile songs martin ever sang on that i know of were duets with ricky nelsom ("my rifle, my pony, and me") and nancy ("things" included below). anyways, this is really about posting up a bunch of nancy sinatra tracks, so...

"highway song" (from the album "country my way")
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"something stupid" (from the album "movin' with") duet with her dad
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"time" (from the album "movin' with") duet with dean
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"mamma goes where papa goes" (from the album "sugar")
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and a big ol' playlist with the above plus selections from the albums "country, my way" "sugar", "movin' with", "how does that grab you", and "boots"

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