Tuesday, April 15, 2008


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lilys "returns every morning" (from "better can't make your life better") lilys had a minor hit with "nanny in manhattan" in england when the song was used in a levis commercial. as a result, the album was remixed, remastered and strings and horns were added. of course this version of the album wasn't released in the states. i tried ordering the import many times without any luck. one day, years later i happened to check their section in the racks, only to find the import version sitting there...for $30. not allowing myself to be that much of a chump, i put it back, defeated, to go search through the used section. but, lucky me, there among the used cds was the very same import version for $8. that's how much of a nerd i am. i remember this.
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currently i'm still trying to find the lilys "a brief history of amazing letdowns" ep, which is out of print. but, through the magic of the internet i am still allowed to enjoy it.

lilys "ginger" (from "a brief history of amazing letdowns")
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M83 "run into flowers" (jackson midnight fuck remix) pretty much perfect.
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luna "ride into the sun" (from the "slide" ep) i remember my friend aaron coming across this ep and buying it without knowing the band, based off the cover art (which is what inspired him to pick it up) and seeing this cover of the velvets "ride into the sun" on the tracklist. it was meant to be.
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josephine foster "nàhe des geliebten" don't remember how i ended up with her album, but whenever it comes up on random, i'm always happy it did. hey leah, since you're in europe, have someone translate this.
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