Friday, April 18, 2008


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It's spring, which is pretty much summer in LA, so, here's some t.rex.

in order to keep the set down to under 100 songs I decided to go with the only songs released after "electric warrior" and before "dandy in the underworld (cause i hate that album). that covers "the slider" "tanx" "zinc alloy..." "bolan's zip gun" and "futuristic dragon", which would be my favorite period. the one exception here being...

"ride a white swan" from what i understand, this was bolan's breakout hit single, recorded around the same time as his switch to electric guitar and the shortening of the band name to t.rex. it was not however released on any album, and it's the reason i have to keep the greatest hits in my collection.
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"all alone" another favorite, from the criminally panned "futuristic dragon".
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"girl in the thunderbolt suit" another classic from an unpopular album, "bolan's zip gun".
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"country honey" from "tanx". anyone up for a trip to tulare?
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"golden belt" i'd say bolan's disco inflected tracks, such as this (and "all alone" above) were some of his best. too bad not too many people cared at this point in his career. from "bolan's zip gun"
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and, as is tradition, all the above + 9 more in a playlist:

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1 comment:

Stepf said...

Springtime is a good time for T.Rex. I think Vivaldi would agree.